Thursday, July 14, 2011

Brian Wilson - Yay Or Nay?

So, uh, that happened.
Brian Wilson.  The Weez.  B-Weezy.  The guy who invented Charlie Sheen's current way of speaking.  This All-Star closer and World Fucking Champion gets weirder and weirder by the moment.  I'm always on the fence as to whether or not Brian Wilson is serious inside about his actions being cool, or if he is constantly trying to be funny.  At this point, given his reputation, he could probably say just about anything and get away with it.

For example, in the pre-interviews with Joe Buck and Tim McCarver before the All-Star game, he told them that when he was younger he worked as a gravestone shifter.  Riiight.  He reset gravestones that had shifted over time.  I'm going to need a bit of proof before I believe the most sarcastic man in baseball.  Apparently, Tim McCarver thought to himself, "This seems like an honest gentleman- I totally believe that story!" because he mentioned it during the broadcast when Wilson was brought in the game in the 9th inning. 

"Rest... In... Peace..."
Or how about on "Lopez Tonight" when The Weez dressed up like the captain of a ship?  Didn't see it?  Well, here's a pic:

Cue George Lopez's horrible and out of place Sponge Bob jokes.
So what do we think?  Is this act getting tired?  Have we been inundated with enough Brian Wilson or are his shenanigans still funny?  I'm still a "fan" of the "Brian Wilson Should Host SNL" Facebook fan page.  Would that be of high quality or the worst episode since the era right after Will Ferrell left?

I will say this, for me, it is losing steam.  True, I laughed at his spandex suit from the ESPYs last night.  However, his antics are getting a little stale.  Maybe "The Franchise" will change that.  Maybe it will make them even worse.  I think he may want to take a break or up the ante in some form or fashion.  I'd be interested to hear how the rest of the country views B-Weezy.

Then again, if he leads the Giants to another World Series title, he can pretty much do whatever he wants.  Maybe even another video like this:


Observer said...

Brian Wilson's humor relies on doing unexpected and sometimes shocking things. The problem is that after the appearance of The Machine, growing a ridiculous beard, and dressing up as a sea boat captain, everyone starts to expect shocking things, and eventually there's nothing left to do that will actually shock people. If he showed up to the ESPYs two years ago in a spandex tux, it's hilarious, but after all the press he's gotten for his antics it's just another stunt.

Call it the Tom Green effect. Or the Jackass effect. Humor that relies on shock value rarely lasts. (As a side note, that makes South Park's run all the more impressive.)

The most shocking thing Brian Wilson could do at this point is shave the beard, cut his hair, and act like all the antics never happened. Unfortunately, that's not as entertaining.

GMoney said...

You're too close because you see and hear everything. I don't. I was on the floor laughing at his exaggerated hat tip during the introductions. That was outstanding. And then Big Papi tried to copy the exact move and ruined the joke.

I haven't seen a loose cannon like that since (former Miami University alum) Brian Pillman!

Prime99 said...

Big Papi ruins everything!

Yeah, after working The Machine into his regular jokes, it is hard to top anything. I still find him funny, but I can tell it's losing steam.

Him cutting all of his hair off and acting normal would be hilarious at this point. But he would need his beard if he ever hopes to host SNL. He could shave it for the last sketch like Zack Galifinokis, though.