And finally, continuing on from last week, here are my last group of favorite 90s songs. There really are too many songs that are awesome. My list is probably hobo excrement. Oh well, it has been fun anyway.
16) "Photograph" by The Verve Pipe
I went through a phase where I listened to TONS of The Verve Pipe. They are an excellent band. They are not in my Top 10 favorite bands of all time, or anything, but they have an underrated catalog. Much like this song. "Photograph" was the first song I ever remember hearing by them. Of course, they later found more notoriety with "The Freshmen" but the sick organ track that underpins this song is not to be denied. Give it a listen if you don't recall this song.
"Cup Of Tea" is also another underrated song by The Verve Pipe.
17) "Lakini's Juice" by Live
There is no arguing that "Throwing Copper" is Live's best record. However, my favorite overall song by Live is "Lakini's Juice." If you can't tell by now, I am a huge fan of dirty, deep guitar riffs. The distorted bass creeps into your ears like a burrowing earwig. It also uses excellent subtle placement of string arrangements. You can't go wrong here.
18) "Still Remains" by Stone Temple Pilots
The only band with two songs on the list. I just couldn't leave this one off. It makes the list with the following line alone: "Take a bath, I'll drink the water that you leave." It's pretty gross, twisted love song- and I love it.
19) "Little Things" by Bush
My band in high school used to rock the shit out of this song in our garages. One of our favorites to cover, "Little Things" is simple yet rocking. Why Bush didn't take the music industry by the throat and skull-fuck it, I'll never understand. "Sixteen Stone" is amazing. The rest of their catalog... just ok. This song deserves a spot on the list though.
What's that? You want shirtless Gavin Rossdale from Woodstock '99? Ok!
20) "Tomorrow" by Silverchair
Silverchair deserves a spot on the list. This is their first hit single in the US and probably their catchiest song (at least from their early catalog.) This song is most impressive given that it was written, performed and recorded by 14/15 year olds. Daniel Johns sings like a 40 year old. It is a solid song to round out the Top 20.
And so ends my Top 20. I should do this again in 3 months and I bet I'd get a different list. Enjoy all the Game 5's coming up, they should be fairly entertaining.
Def Leppard's Photograph > The Verve Pipe's Photograph
I stand by this statement.
A song that should make the top 20 sometime tonight will be Champagne IvanNova. God, I want to win this game so bad. Not to sound like a loser, but as long as the Yanks win tonight, it doesn't matter what happens against the Texas Dad Killers in the next round.
Champagne IvanNova! Lol!
Good luck tonight balancing Game 5 with TV viewing.
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