Wednesday, November 2, 2011

American Horror Story

I definitely pulled a muscle in my neck yesterday.  It hurts like fuck.  If you thought I was a dangerous driver before, well look out now!  I can barely look over my shoulder to check the blindspot!

That being said, I'm still trying for you today. 

To compliment my heating pad and pain killers, I caught up on "American Horror Story" last night.  I'm not all the way up to date, but I'm through the first three episodes.  That is some fucked up TV! 

Ready for some wholesome television!
So does anyone else watch this show?  Did you enjoy naked Dylan McDermott?  Did you think the gimp would be in it more since it takes up 90% of the show's commercial time, but was only in one episode thus far? 

Here are my favorite moments of the show so far:

- Violet bringing the female bully down to the basement by telling her she had cocaine.  Tate (likely a spirit of the house) then flips the script on the bully with a horror show that leaves her scarred, literally. 

- Ben's discussions with the burned/scarred man while jogging.  This is very interesting material and one cannot be sure if the man with scars is real (as in a real person) or some sort of spirit.

- Ummm.... the maid.  Not the old version you sick bastard!  The young maid is ridiculous.  It's true she is hot, but it is also funny that the women of the house she her as an old lady making awkward situations even awkward-er. 

- I liked when Vivien took the Eternal Darkness tour.  Good back story on the house, which I'm sure will only get more interesting. 

- All the flashbacks of the house are fairly solid and tension filled. 

- Killing off Ben's mistress.  Wow- what an annoying character!  Though, I'm sure she'll be back as a ghost of the house. 


Let's see how many readers/commenters actually watch this show and we'll go from there.  If everyone watches it, maybe we can talk about the weekly happenings- who knows?!


Observer said...

I've only seen two episodes. The gimp is pretty fucked up. Tate (I thought his name was Taint, ha!) could be a spirit, but isn't the dad on the phone with his mother is one scene?

The crazy neighbor and her special daughter are hilarious. My kids are totally getting sent to a closet full of mirrors for interrupting my whore time.

Prime99 said...

Tate is for sure a spirit of the house. He practically lives there even though the dad told him to leave. If the house can do all the other shit we've seen, I'm sure it can produce a fake phone call to Tate's mom. The better question is: is Tate the crazy lady's first born son?

Interrupting whore time is a huge problem with kids these days.

Observer said...

That's what I was thinking. We basically can't trust anything people see or hear anyway, especially the dad. Let's burn that house down already!

GMoney said...

I watch. I can't believe that the stupid fuck behind Glee also heads this show. I don't like the horror genre much but this seems OK since they can't get too Frank Gore on TV. I've always like Dylan McDermott's naked ass and I would motorboat the shit out of Connie Britton.

Watch episode 4 (with the gay guys) and The Gimp is much more prevalent.

I hate old pictures of babies from the early 1900's. That shit always creeps me out. It's strange that the thing on the show that scares me the most is the retard and the show intro.

You're right...we aren't even close to being done with Kate Mara.

Prime99 said...

Given the creators' pattern, (Nip-Tuck, Glee, then AHS) their next project will likely be a live action My Little Pony show.

I'll watch episode 4 tonight if I get my homework done in a timely manner.

I've been fast forwarding through the intro...

Anonymous said...

American Horror Story has been excellent thus far. I'm not a big fan of the horror genre either, like commenter G$ earlier stated. FX has done it again, they seem to have one great show after another. I will definitely keep watching this show, maybe they will curb the Bobby Donnell ass shots in the future.
I also wanted to chime in on the firing of Mike Quade. I think the players liked him, but it was the right move at this time. As a long time Cubs fan, I would like to see Ryno get the job. G$ also seems to think that going out and trying to get Prince or Pujols would be a bad move. I understand that mindset, but wouldn't nessecarily agree with his assessment. I would like to see the organization try to get one of those guys, for the right price. I think 10 years and $300 million is way too much, but if the right deal is out there I would like to see us give it a shot. Go Cubs Go!!

Prime99 said...

Thanks for commenting, Anon.

I have to agree- FX is killing it these days. Their programming is edgier than most other basic cable networks.

As far as the Cubs/Quade go, I'm pretty much in agreement with you on those as well. There has been a report that Ryno will not get an interview, which I disagree with, but I pretty much trust every move that Theo makes, for now.

10 years/$300 mil is way too much for any player. I was pumped when they signed Soriano and now the consensus is that that contract is awful. Pujols is obviously better, but I would hate to see him decline hard in the 5th year of a 10 year deal.