Friday, August 12, 2011

Yesterday... All My Troubles Seemed So- Uh- Close?

I am aware that this is a sarcastic comedy blog (well, I'm unsure how much comedy there actually is, but you get the point)- however, when shit gets real- it's hard to be funny.  Here is my attempt at unleashing some bullshit from yesterday and I may end up saying something stupid or offensive- who knows? 

Work has been extra shitty.  With budget problems within my place of employment, everyone is unable to get necessary information to me when I need it.  However, when information is expected of me, it is needed immediately.  I'm letting this play out for now as I've just signed up for classes starting in September and hope to make a career change in the near future.  It is no secret I've applied for other jobs in the last year.  I'm glad I haven't gotten these jobs, but it is only a matter of time before moving on.  Being in the middle of a life transition sucks on a daily basis, but I am excited to move forward. 

So blah, blah, blah- my job was pissing me off yesterday.  Who's job doesn't piss them off most of the time?  The lucky ones, I suppose.  In the middle of this, my dad sends me a Facebook message telling me how I should take my birthday off Facebook because a government official told him that people can steal your identity with your name and birthday. 

Look, my dad and I barely talk.  I haven't seen him since October 2009.  I've emailed him to tell him exactly what my issues are and how to begin to resolve them.  Yet, instead I get dumb messages about how my extremely secure Facebook profile could get hacked because I listed my birthday with no year associated.  If someone goes to a bank and says, "I have this guy's name (not even my birth name is on the profile, mind you) and his birthday... wait- what year?  Ummmm... I'm unsure."  I have a hard time believing that they will steal my identity. 

Regardless of the merits of my Facebook argument, my real point is, that for an estranged father to be sending me such stupid drivel via Facebook profile is ridiculous.  If I were him, I'd be less concerned about whether or not my birthday is listed anywhere, and more concerned about reconnecting with my son.  Or I suppose, he could be more concerned with... younger brothers have now both gotten DUI's!  Alright!  They are twins near the legal drinking age- but not quite there.  One of them got a lesser DUI infraction and has classes to attend.  The other one, just yesterday, drove blacked out drunk on to a neighborhood lawn.  Apparently, the car was on fire and he was taken unconscious to a hospital. 

I'm guessing he's going to get destroyed in the court of law with fines and probation classes- and he should be.  I'm obviously glad he's not dead.  That is the silver lining.  The biggest problem is that after years and years of attempting to give solid advice to my younger brothers, I am certain that it falls on deaf ears.  How long can one bang their head against a wall before stopping and walking away?  I can give general support, but the more I care about a situation I'm obviously not affecting, the more frustrating it gets.  I'm not giving up on my brothers, but at the same time, they need to be responsible for themselves.  I can do nothing to change them at this point.  The change needs to come from within themselves.

AND speaking of Facebook, my brother that could have died yesterday, decided to post a message about the scenario on the ol' FB.  There was remorse in the note, but I have a feeling it was more about getting attention.  This is exactly what needs to change.  He's unhappy with himself, but can't help trying to get sympathy via social media.  Until he's happy with himself and doesn't need to post personal situations on FB- I have a bad feeling things will not get better.  (Hilariously ironic that I'm writing a blog about this while chastising my brother for writing on Facebook- clearly I'm attempting to be anonymous and less people read this than Facebook.  Ultimately, I'm only putting this on blast because my brain is consumed with this situation and it is my excuse for not writing anything amusing today.) 

And there you have it.  That was my day.  Crappy days at work I can handle.  Those happen from time to time and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  The family stuff puts me over the edge.  I am aware that anyone reading this without the years and years of background may think I'm coming off like a heartless shithead who doesn't care about his family members.  However, I have given excellent efforts in the past that have produced absolutely nothing to improve the situation.  I have run out of ways I can make a difference.  Maybe I'll come up with a brilliant plan that rights the wrongs inside my family someday.  However, today I suppose I'll have to be content with the fact that my brother is alive and I'll continue to hope that he is able to make necessary changes to help him be a better person. 


"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."  -- The motherfuckin' Beatles


Observer said...

Sorry to hear about your brother, man. I knew a guy in college that got hammered and drove his car into a ditch the year before he went to college. I think it was a wakeup call for him and he got himself on a better path after that. Hopefully that's the case here.

GMoney said...

Whoa...shit got deep really quick.

I wouldn't listen to anyone who thinks that hackers can steal your ID via Facebook because some asshole at the government said so.

That's tough news regarding your brothers. My sister got arrested in college for underage and I thought that it was the funniest thing ever. So what I'm trying to say is I can't relate at all.

Mr. Ace's sister in law is 23 or 24 years old and, spread throughout multiple states including Ohio and Texas, she has SEVEN dui's already. That's fucking terrible. 7 DUI's and all she got was a month in the county jail. The law is stupid.

Prime99 said...

Thanks guys- I'm hoping things will shape up, but let's keep it real. Probably not.

I wish they were arrested for underage drinking. That would be funny. Getting DUI's is not because they put other people at risk as well as themselves on the road.